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Training Syllabus

Teacher training includes the unique Mindfulness Now programme which offers an integrated approach to using mindfulness techniques to help clients deal with: pain, rheumatic conditions, stress, anxiety and serious physical and emotional trauma, as well as building emotional resilience. Meditation sessions are conducted daily as part of the teacher training and all participants engage in some facilitated teaching practice. 

The delivery of the course is flexible, responding to the needs and interests of participants, and includes the following:

  • Client/learner assessment protocols
  • Cautions, safeguards and contra-indications
  • Session recording and evaluation
  •  History of mindfulness and mindfulness meditation
  •  How to conduct mindfulness meditation sessions – seated, lying and movement based
  •  Attitudinal Basis (7 +2 Attitudes – Kabat-Zinn)
  •  3 stage breathing space (hourglass)
  •  Mindfulness of the body, in stillness and in movement
  •  Mindfulness of sounds, thoughts and feelings
  •  Mindfulness in wellbeing
  •  Mindfulness teaching techniques and methodologies
  •  Therapeutic interventions with mindfulness
  •  Developing the teacher’s own mindfulness practice
  •  Conducting individual/group sessions
  •  The Mindfulness Now 8 week programme
  •  Stress Reduction – the MBSR approaches
  •  Cognitive behavioural approaches – using MBCT
  •  Integration of mindfulness with other therapeutic modalities
  •  Corporate applications of mindfulness
  •  Working with children